Resume Deposit by [full-name]

Individual Information

Position Applied: [position-applied]
Name in Full: [full-name]
Business Operation: [business-operation] Willing to be Transferred: [WillingtobeTransferred]
Citizenship [citizenship] Identification Card [ic]
Home Address: [home-address]
Postal Address: [postal-address]
Email Address: [email] Mobile: [mobile]
Telephone No. (Office): [tel] Telephone No. (House): [hse]
Place of Birth: [place-birth] Gender: [gender]
Date of Birth: [date-birth] Age: [age]
Marital Status: [maritalstatus]
Height (cm): [height] Weight (kg): [weight]
Race: [race] Religion: [religion]
English Spoken: [english-spoken] English Written: [english-written]
Bahasa Malaysia Spoken: [bahasamalaysia-spoken] Bahasa Malaysia Written: [bahasamalaysia-written]
Other Language: [other-language]

Family Information

Name of Spouse: [name-spouse] Occupation: [occupation]
No. of Dependents/ Children: [dependents-children]

Education Information

No. School Highest Qualification Year
1. [school1] [school-qualification-obtained1] [school-year1]
2. [school2] [school-qualification-obtained2] [school-year2]

Higher Education Information

No. College / University Highest Qualification CGPA MUET Band Year
1. [college-university1] [college-qualification-obtained1] [college-cgpa1] [college-muet-band1] [college-year1]
2. [college-university2] [college-qualification-obtained2] [college-cgpa2] [college-muet-band2] [college-year2]


Scholarship/Loan: [scholarship-loan] If yes, please state the name of scholarship/loan: [name-scholarship-loan]

Working Experience

Name of Employer Period Designation
[name-employer1] [period1] [designation1]
Last Drawn Basic Salary Total Fixed Allowance Reason for Leaving
[salary1] [allowance1] [reason-leaving1]
Name of Employer Period Designation
[name-employer2] [period2] [designation2]
Last Drawn Basic Salary Total Fixed Allowance Reason for Leaving
[salary2] [allowance2] [reason-leaving2]
Name of Employer Period Designation
[name-employer3] [period3] [designation3]
Last Drawn Basic Salary Total Fixed Allowance Reason for Leaving
[salary3] [allowance3] [reason-leaving3]
Current Salary Expected Salary Date available for Employment
(RM) [current-salary] (RM) [expected-salary] [data-available-employment]



I certify that the foregoing information is correct. I understand that if any of the particulars supplied by me is proved untrue, my employment is likely to be terminated: [checkbox-508]

PDPA: [pdpa]

— This e-mail was sent from a contact form on KLK (