KLK emphasises on the protection and conservation of our natural environment.
This element is disseminated to our operations through the following commitments:
KLK emphasises on the protection and conservation of our natural environment.
This element is disseminated to our operations through the following commitments:
Anggrek Tebu | Tiger Orchid (Grammatophyllum speciosum)
Anggrek Tebu (EN: Cane Orchid) is the world’s largest orchid with heights of up to 3 m and can weigh up to 1 ton (AGRIFOR Journal Volume XIX Number 2, October 2020). The orchid has stems that are segmented like sugar cane, has yellow flowers with brown spots and blackish red patterns similar to a tiger’s stripe. This orchid can be found in Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
This plant is not categorised in the IUCN Red list.
Asam Panas (Mangifera pajang)
Asam Panas is a type of forest mango that is sour in taste. It is a large tree with heights of between 20-30 m, is cylindrical in diameter up to 60 cm, has a grooved stem surface and is not buttressed. It also has sticky brown sap, yellow flesh with long fibres. Asam panas is only found on Borneo island and is often consumed by the local community.
IUCN Red List Category: VU – Vulnerable
Asam Payang (Mangifera macrocarpa)
Asam Payang is a type of forest mango that is sour in taste with larger and wider leaves than other similar trees in its genus. It can be found on the islands of Sumatra, Borneo and Java. This fruit tree is often consumed by the local community.
IUCN Red List Category: VU – Vulnerable
Bakhil (Artocarpus anisophyllus)
Bakhil is a type of fruit tree similar to jackfruit with round fruits and parallel leaves. This type of fruit tree is often consumed by the surrounding community.
IUCN Red List Category: VU – Vulnerable
Bambarai / Jati Hutan (Nauclea orientalis)
Bambarai is a multipurpose tropical plant. Its wood is similar to teak but with smaller leaves. The wood from this plant can be used as commercial wood, as an agroforestry plant and can be used in open land rehabilitation activities. The distribution of this species is still not widely known and is believed to come from Southeast Sulawesi.
IUCN Red List Category: LC – Least Concern
Dupar (Dimocarpus longan)
Dupar is a type of longan-like fruiting tree. Characteristically, the leaves are thicker than the usual type of longans. This species is native to Southeast Asia.
IUCN Red List Category: NT – Near Threatened
Gaharu | Agarwood (Aquillaria sp)
Agarwood is a plant endemic in Borneo. It has sharp and pointed leaves and is capable of growing with a stem diameter of 60 cm. It is also a commercial wood with high selling value. Agarwood is commonly used as material for cultural rituals by the nearby community, as well as an ingredient in herbal medicines.
IUCN Red List Category: Not Determined (the species of this plant has yet to be determined by the KLK Sustainability Team)
Kambuk Pasir (Cinnamomum iners)
Kambuk Pasir is a type of cinnamon tree with wider leaves than its genus and has a less distinctive cinnamon-like aroma in its wood. The spread of the kambuk pasir in Indonesia covers the Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Sulawesi islands. It is often used as medicine and for the rehabilitation of sandy land by the local community.
IUCN Red List Category: LC – Least Concern
Kapur (Dryobalanops lanceolata)
Kapur is a type of Dipterocarpaceae that is widely spread in Borneo. Kapur has the characteristics of a tree with buttresses and a slippery trunk. It is a type of commercial wood with high selling value. In addition, the use of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) from kapur adds to its commercial value.
IUCN Red List Category: LC – Least Concern
Keruing (Dipterocarpus caudiferus)
Keruing is a large and multifunctional tree species with high commercial value. Its main characteristics are black spots found on its bark.
IUCN Red List Category: NT – Near Threatened
Kiamu (Dacryodes rostrata)
Kiamu is an endemic plant species in Borneo. It can grow to a stem diameter of up to 20 cm. The bark is dark grey in colour, and its texture ranges from smooth to scaly. Its fruit is oval and measures ± 3.5 cm. Kiamu is used by the local community as commercial wood and its fruit as herbal medicine.
IUCN Red List Category: LC – Least Concern
Kulidang (Artocarpus lanceifolius)
Kulidang is an endemic plant in Borneo with a unique characteristic of being shaped like a jackfruit. The kulidang fruit is a delicacy among the locals.
IUCN Red List Category: NE – Not Evaluation
Ladan / Meranti Kuning (Shorea faguetiana)
Ladan is a type of meranti with yellowish hued wood. It is often used as commercial wood with a high commercial value. Ladan can only be found on Borneo and in parts of Sumatra island.
IUCN Red List Category: EN – Endangered
Lahung (Durio dulcis)
Lahung is a type of forest durian with a unique characteristic of red fruits that is smaller in size than the common durian. It is a delicacy often consumed by the local community.
IUCN Red List Category: VU – Vulnerable
Liwang (Pentace adenophora)
Liwang is endemic in Borneo with a unique characteristic of broad leaves. It can grow between 25-35 m in height with a diameter of up to 70 cm. Liwang is used by the local community as commercial wood.
IUCN Red List Category: LC – Least Concern
Malidumas / Masayapung / Medang Lemah (Litsea sp.)
Malidumas, also known as Masapayung or Medang Lemah is endemic in Borneo. The diameter of the tree can reach between 44-78 cm. The species is often used by local community as commercial timber.
IUCN Red List Category: NE – Not Evaluated
Mampulut putih (Madhuca dubardii)
Mampulut Putih is endemic to Borneo and Sumatra. It can grow up to 24 m in height with a trunk diameter of 38 cm. When cut, its stem oozes white latex and the wood is often used by locals for commercial timber.
IUCN Red List Category: NT – Near Threatened
Maritam Turah (Nephelium cuspidatum)
Maritam Turah is a type of forest rambutan with characteristic leaves that are thicker and darker than the usual rambutan leaves. This species can grow up to 40m in height with a diameter of 80 cm. The maritam turah fruit is often consumed by locals.
IUCN Red List Category: LC – Least Concern
Menggris (Koompassia malaccensis)
Menggris is endemic in Borneo and is capable of growing up to 60 m in height and a 210 cm diameter. It has a smooth bark surface that is either dark gray or black with a tinge of red-brown. It is often used as shelter or as wild beehives. The local community considers the menggris tree sacred and is used in traditional events.
IUCN Red List Category: DD – Data Deficient
Meranti Kuning (Shorea mujongensis)
Meranti Kuning is a type of meranti with yellow wood. When compared to other types in its kind, this species is the most difficult to find because of its very limited distribution and insufficient growing conditions. It has a fairly high economic value.
IUCN Red List Category: VU – Vulnerable
Meranti Merah / Majau (Shorea johorensis)
Majau is a type of meranti with reddish wood. It is often used as commercial wood with a high economic value and can be found on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.
IUCN Red List Category: CR – Critically Endangered
Meranti Pendan (Parashorea malaanonan)
Meranti Pendan is a type of meranti where its wood is white. This species is often used as commercial wood with high economic value but is not as strong as the meranti species from the Shorea genus. It can be found on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra.
IUCN Red List Category: LC – Least Concern
Meranti Putih / Karangah (Shorea leprosula)
Meranti Putih is a type of meranti where the colour of the wood is white. It is fast growing compared to other types of its kinds. Meranti putih is often used as commercial wood with a high economic value. Its growth is distributed in Borneo and Sumatra islands.
IUCN Red List Category: NT – Near Threatened
Nyamut (Uittienia modesta)
Nyamut is a type of large tree that has a fairly wide buttress. In ancient times, buttresses from the mosquito tree were often used as a tool to call tribal groups inland, as commercial wood species and a source of honeybee nectar.
IUCN Red List Category: NE – Not Evaluated
Nyatoh (Planchonella sp)
Nyatoh is a type of plant that is widely spread in Borneo island. It is often used by locals as commercial wood.
IUCN Red List Category: NE – Not Evaluated
Putuk (Caryota no)
Putuk is endemic in Borneo island. The local community uses putuk leaves as webbing in crafts such as bags and roofs. It is also used as commercial wood. This species is protected under the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 20 of 2018.
IUCN Red List Category: LC – Least Concern
Sadun (Durio oxleyanus)
Sadun is a type of forest durian with sharp thorns and sharper characteristics the durian. The fruit is small and green. This species is a type of fruit tree that is often consumed by the public because it sweet taste. This species is widely distributed in Southeast Asia.
IUCN Red List Category: NT – Near Threatened
Terap (Artocarpus macrocarpa)
Terap is a type of fruit tree that is similar to nangka with round fruits such as sukun and bakhil. However, its leaves are pinnate and very large. This type of fruit tree is often consumed by the local community.
This plant is not categorised in the IUCN Red List
Ulin / Kawilian (Eusideroxylon zwageri)
Ulin or Kawilian is a type of Dipterocarpaceae plant that grows naturally on Borneo island. The height of this tree is generally 30-35 m with a diameter of chest height (dbh) 60-120 cm, but some trees reach a height of 50 m with a diameter of 200 cm. The stem is straight with buttresses, the crown is round and tight and has horizontal branches (S. Pradjadinata; Murniati, September 2014). Besides being known as iron wood, these trees are also known by other local names, such as bulian, bulian rambai, onglen (South Sumatra), belian, tabulin, telian or tulian.
IUCN Red List Category: VU – Vulnerable
Ungkunyir (Baccaurea tetrandra)
Ungkunyir is an endemic plant typical of Borneo island. Local people use it as herbal medicine and the fruit of this plant can be consumed by the surrounding community. There has not been much research about this species.
IUCN Red List Category: LC – Least Concern