KLK strives for excellence and is committed to maintaining high standards of business ethics and practices;
offering quality products and services and being a good and responsible corporate citizen.
Stakeholders Engagement
Our Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Strategy is very much influenced by our stakeholders and their expectations of the organisation. We believe in continuous engagements especially with our relevant stakeholders using the FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) approach. The latter is vital to ensure the rights of indigenous and local communities are respected.
Our website acts as the main means of keeping our stakeholders informed on the developments in the Group in a transparent, accurate, clear and in a timely manner. Relevant information updates are guided by our Corporate Disclosure Policy.
Roundtable Sessions
We always strive to continuously have roundtable discussions with various investors, customers and other stakeholders (including Civil Society Organisation’s). Such engagements are important as they serve as a conduit for frank exchange of information in a transparent and honest manner, whilst sharing our operations, values and way of doing business.